Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bead Soup Blog Party 7!! or in my case 2

It's that time of the year again!!  I am excited yet scared.  Nervous yet Thrilled.  It's rather like being on a roller coaster of love!!!

                                    Last year to get me going I joined  Bead Soup Blog Party #6

 and my partner was Christi Searle Murrow of CharisDesigns  

 This year I JOINED again after discovering that pressure does amazing things to one's creative juices!!
It's the biggest party EVER  Over 521 participant's this year!!!!

                  Bead Soup Blog Party #7 

and my partner in crime this year IS GINGER DAVIS ALLMAN of a really fascinating site The Blue Bottle Tree  and I mean really interesting!!  Makes me eager yet even more nervous about this exchange.  Good thing I seem to like running on nerves right??

So there has been ton's of changes this year.  I haven't been nearly as active as I would like jewelry wise because of them.  I still haven't listed on etsy which makes me crazy but there are interesting things a coming!

                                                                 Shall we??  PLAY!!


  1. Hey there Arlene! I'm trying to visit as many of the bead soup blog party blogs as possible. Can't wait to see updates on this - let me know when you get the beads for the blog party up and I'll stop by again and comment!

  2. Thanks Hannah~~~ Was a bead shop that made me think of your seed bead projects. He kept trying to tell me it wasn't as hard as I thought... LOL

  3. Lovely designs, your soup is fabulous & I love the bracelet!

  4. Really nice. Fantastic bracelet!


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