Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bead Soup Blog 2014

       So every year I do the same thing here.  I sign up for Bead Soup Blog Party  I am really super excited, I start planning..  I start looking at what I have, What they have... What should I send? What shouldn't I send?  What if they hate what I send?? What if everyone else get's amazing stuff and I just sent "ok" stuff..

      WHAT what WHAT to do???  Do I find really unusual stuff I keep meaning to use, but never get around to (yes yes I know that you can tell by my blog, that of late there is very little I have been trying..) or do I find stuff that she's used before.....

      URGH!!!  So what is it that can fix it..    I know!!  THANK YOU INTERGEM!!!  Once more my friend Leila of MaeBeads went off to Seattle with me so we could check out the Intergem show.   WOO HOO!!  Day off work and a day with someone I miss being able to spend more time with!!!  Lucky me~
 There is always all sorts of stuff to pick up and some of it you look at and go HMMM  if I can't figure it out, could they???  I mean these are just cool no??   I ended up not getting them.. Now I sorta wish I had...
      So here it is.  What's worse is every year I walk away wishing I had bought something after all or that I bought more of something.  This year it was some just funky pearls.  I think you can barely see those tropical pearls running in there.  A friend said "oh make me a necklace!!"  I was like "um I only bought one strand (what the heck WAS I THINKING)"  and after much inner hoarder turmoil, I am working on that necklace for her.  It would have been a lot better if I had bought 3 strands.. But she'll like it or I get to keep it right!!  :) Win WIN!!
       These are all the goodies  I have added  to the mess of things I need to choose from!!  Here they are!!  The things I picked up are interesting and way not unusual, but I still am not any closer to picking out what I am going to send to my new partner for this year's Bead Soup Blog Party . 

      I am going to have to post this post..  Figure out what my lovely partner needs to get to stimulate HER for the next year!!  I mean really!! Beth Petricoin does incredible work.  LOOK at some of the amazing things Beth's done with NOTHING.  I mean really this is all the stuff  WE throw away!! One More Use (Etsy) and Create My World Designs and on top of that is Create My World.....  

So here it is..  This is some of the stuff I am trying to choose between!!  What to do!!

Another year of stress that I obviously must really need cause I keep doing it. 


  1. Some of those ingredients look might familiar... and I'm the lucky recipient! ;) Thanks again for the fun soup!

  2. You would be right in that nagging sense of familiarity!!


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